In the wake of Hurricane Helene, countless families are facing the overwhelming aftermath of destruction—homes, churches and businesses leveled, communities displaced, and essential resources like food and water in short supply. The road to recovery will be long, but...
Did you know Brook Hill has a podcast? There is so much happening inside our church walls and out in the community! Search for “Brook Hill United Methodist Church” wherever you listen to podcasts and subscribe. Stay tuned for more episodes about all your...
Ephesians 4:11: “Christ chose some of us to be apostles, prophets, missionaries, pastors, and teachers” (CEV)There is a place for all of us to serve God. At Brook Hill, several opportunities exist. Teamwork and many hands make the work light. We are...
The Food 4 Kids campaign begins this month for the new school year. Your contributions are greatly appreciated! Food items can be placed in the red wagon in the narthex. We are now accepting cash/check donations. Please be sure to designate “Food 4 Kids” in the memo....
Adult Bible Study groups are going strong. Check out these interesting studies going on now and join anytime! Seekers Group of adults who are young at heart and seeking to better understand Christ. Meets on Sunday mornings. We welcome everyone—interested visitors or...
Are you looking to join a new ministry in the New Year? One of the many ministries at Brook Hill is the Card Ministry Team. Our mission is to send cards once a month to home-bound church members, or a note of care and encouragement to those on the prayer chain to let...