Every winter Brook Hill hangs quilts on its walls for the season between Christmas and Lent. In this cold and bare time of year, these quilts wrap us in their warmth and comfort, full of memories, stories, and color. The quilts showcase the skill, patience, perseverance, and artistic temperament of the quilter, as well as the love in every stitch.

Do you have a quilt or quilts to share? We’re looking for quilts made by you or others, a family heirloom or a special gift, quilts made for beds or walls or anywhere else.

Quilts will be collected in the narthex on December 15, 22, and January 5.

stack of quilts
Please provide info about the quilt: the quilter, when it was made, and any memories or stories attached to it, etc.

Questions? Contact the church office at 301-662-1727 or brookhill@bhumc.org.

Thank you in advance for considering displaying your quilt. We can’t wait to see it and share it with others!