The Food 4 Kids campaign begins this month for the new school year.
Your contributions are greatly appreciated! Food items can be placed in the red wagon in the narthex. We are now accepting cash/check donations. Please be sure to designate “Food 4 Kids” in the memo. You can also give online.
Thank you for your continued support!
Food 4 Kids Shopping List
Please donate single-serve and easy-open containers (no cans, because we cannot ensure a can opener is available). Please, no plastic cups (i.e. applesauce, diced fruit) or food that requires a microwave. Please, no peanuts or peanut butter because of allergies.
- 100% milk (non-refrigerated)
- 100% fruit drinks (no HUGS)
- Tuna pouches
- Cereal (not oatmeal)
- Cheese crackers (NO peanut butter)
- Chef Boyardee ravioli
- Snacks
- Mac ‘n cheese
- Fruit roll-ups
- Raisins
- Squeeze fruit
Questions? Contact the church office at