Vacation Bible School

BHUMC Vacation Bible School 2024 group picture
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an annual summer ministry for children that introduces them to God, Jesus, and the unconditional love that He has for them. The program is held Monday through Friday, during the evenings from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. We welcome all children from preschool 3-year-olds (who are potty trained) to those who just finished 5th grade.

Children are assigned to “crews” which have two dedicated adult leaders who guide the group through the evening’s events. Each night starts out with everyone meeting in the sanctuary for our opening celebration where we learn new songs and dances, the special character for the night, and are introduced to the daily Bible message.

After the opening, crews begin their daily rotations:

  • Bible Story
  • Science Experiments
  • Crafts
  • Games
  • Snack

Children in pre-K and kindergarten participate in a special program with hands-on learning activities geared towards younger learners. Children in grades 1–5 are involved in more in-depth lessons and hands-on Bible learning experiences.

At the end of the evening, everyone meets back in the sanctuary where we sing and dance some more. We also summarize the Bible message and story they learned that day.

On Friday parents are welcome to join their children for Family Day.

Youth who are entering 6th though 12th grades in the fall can join us as volunteers. We give volunteer credit hours for all youth helpers. All of our volunteers are Safe Sanctuary trained, and all adults are background-checked.

VBS is great way for children to learn about the Gospel in a fun, interactive way.

New to VBS?

These tips will help you look like an expert.

  • Not a member of Brook Hill? Not a problem! VBS is open to all children in our community. Better yet, invite a friend to attend with you!
  • Fill in your registration form completely. Please include any allergies or special needs we need to be aware of. We want your child to have the best experience. The more we know the better.
  • Stop by our registration table each night to sign your child in and out for the evening. You will be given a family wrist band that will be required for pick up. You will also need to see your child’s Crew Leader to sign them in and out each night.
  • Make sure your child is prepared for the evening. Make sure they have used the bathroom and washed their hands before sitting with their assigned crew in the sanctuary.
  • Some of our games and projects can get messy! Be sure to dress your children appropriately.
  • Each year the children help raise money for a mission project. Donations are collected each night in the narthex.