SAVE THE DATE! This Fun Family Event will take place Saturday, April 5 from noon – 4 p.m. Rain or shine, but indoors if it rains.
- food
- games
- egg hunt—one every hour!
Please sign up and let us know how many children are in your party. This will ensure we have enough supplies for each child.
Help Us to Help Others
This event is FREE, but donations of NEW hygiene items are requested for Student Homelessness Initiative Project (SHIP).
- toothbrushes
- toothpaste
- soap and body wash
- feminine products
- deodorant
- toilet paper
- laundry pods
- ethnic hair products
- combs and brushes
Volunteer to Help
There are many ways to make this a memorable event for everyone of all ages!
We need servants to help with food, games, and egg hunts.
Sign up today!!
For more information contact Shelly Evans or Melissa Murphy by email or call the church office at 301-662-1727.